Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Woo! The unofficial trailer is up, "Panty Anarchy Sucks at GTA IV." For those of you who haven't seen it, here's a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUkBt9pnuDI&feature=youtu.be This is meant to be a homage to one of the funniest Machinima I've watched, "Arby n the Chief." This is probably the only episode that will be like JonCJG's series, as I really want to focus on anime with this series, although there will be short video game reviews. I'll be trying something new this time, as I also plan on making a trailer/advertisement for the series. I'll be filming both at the same time to try and kill two birds with one stone. Also, I won't be posting any "Shorties" the same week as I do actual episodes, unless I plan on not posting any the following week or I say otherwise in the description.

Spoiler alert: The "Stocking Donut" commercial will be a running gag, and will have several variations throughout the series.

The episodes hopefully WON'T be 15 minutes long; I'm hoping to do between 5-8 minutes per episode, with "Shorties" being 1-3 minutes and review segments around the same length. Also, I plan on cranking out episodes MUCH faster than it took me to create PASaGTA4, especially since my software is now running a full capacity. That was the main reason for so many delays; that and a lot of the software I got for this project is new and I was unfamiliar with it at first, but I'm getting the gist of it (Sony Vegas>>>>WMM ANY day!!!) And for all you Stocking fans,(SPOILER) she'll be making her appearance in the first episode.

For those of you unfamiliar with the series Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, if you like humorous anime, you should really check it out. The series is meant to be a parody of US animation, but is really an anime at heart. Fair warning though, it's a Studio Gainax anime, so expect plenty of perverted humor, cursing, and randomness. It's like a nice blend of FLCL, The Get-Backers, and Invader Zim, with just a touch of Gurren Lagann. I'll post an update on

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Just putting this here, for all you still watching! It's the Season 1 Episode list! The episodes may or may not be in this exact order, neither will the "Shorties," but There will be a review segment sometime. I promise! :D

Episode 1 “Mail Call”- Panty, some time after being transformed into an action figure, gets an unwanted surprise in the mail one day.
Episode 2 “T00nam!Z”- Panty tries to get “Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt” on Toonami.
Episode 3 “Desynchronized”- After getting into a heated argument with Stocking, Panty breaks the disc to her favorite game and must keep Stocking from finding out.
Episode 4 “Foes and Woes”- The Anarchy sisters discover that another living toy is conspiring to have them destroyed.
Episode 5 “Gun-dumbs”- Stocking tires to break Panty from tormenting their shelf  neighbors, the Gundams.
Episode 6 “True Hotties”- The Anarchy sisters spend the day trying to keep cool during a heat wave.
Episode 7 “Fanfiction”- After seeing some fan-related works of their anime series, Panty decides to write her own fanfiction, much to Stocking’s dismay.
Episode 8 “Of Angels and Anime”- Panty and Stocking discuss what makes an anime series good.
Episode 9 “The Creeper”- Stocking discovers one of the Gundams has developed a crush on Panty.
Episode 10 “Food Fight Club”- Panty and Stocking both give up eating their favorite foods for one day, but when Panty starts thinking she might lose, she decides to make things “interesting.”
Episode 11 “Toilet Bowl Samba”- The Anarchy sisters are locked in the bathroom by the Gundams and must find a way to escape before the owner, Brent, gets home.
Episode 12 (Season Finale) “Kitchen Counter Serenade”- After losing a fight with the Gundams, the Anarchy sisters find themselves stranded in the kitchen.


Short 1: Panty spends the show's budget on jawbreakers.
Short 2: Stocking must stop Panty from trolling the viewers on YouTube
Short 3: Panty tries to con the viewers with her fake charity.
Short 4: The Anarchy sisters try to make a viral video.
Short 5: The producer passes out from overwork, leaving Panty and Stocking to write Season 2.

Game Review: "The Impossible Game"

Anime Review???

Mail room Segment: Once every Friday after Episode 1 airs.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Working on an unofficial trailer for my series! It'll be an affectionate parody of JohnCJG's Master Chief Sucks at Halo series, even though MY series will be more about the American/Otaku lifestyle rather than the gamer lifestyle John portrays in his series. I'm shooting for a weekend release date, but I might try and get it out earlier due to scheduled power outages this weekend. :/ Stay tuned for more! :D